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Writer's pictureChristopher Miszczak

Something you should never say in a lab

One day, I was working at my cubicle job, contemplating my future. At the same time, I was thinking about the world of healthcare and science. I have always loved the world of science because it inspires one to think. In my mind, nothing is more inspiring than changing how we live, the technology we use, or saving another person’s life. Making an impact on another person’s life is the most inspiring thing.

Since then, I have left my cubicle job to pursue an education in public relations and corporate communications. At the same time, I finally built up the courage to ask someone within the Association of Medical Illustrators if it would be possible to join such a prestigious group with a different background. The answer was yes, which changed everything because I joined the AMI and became a public relations committee member.

As a result, I have found my true calling to work in healthcare communications. Figures like Leonardo Da Vinci and Nikola Tesla continue to be great heroes. In addition, I admire great scientists and contemporary figures like Andre Picard, Lewis Thomas, Atul Gawande, Olaf Sporns, and Dr. Patch Adams.

As such, leaving a significant impact on other people’s lives has always been my greatest motivation. As such, I continue to admire those that work in the STEM fields. At the end of the day, though, they are just people. It is a stressful job, and what I am hoping to accomplish through this small newsletter is to help alleviate some of that stress.

Laughter is a powerful tool, a great medicine. I recently finished the book “The secret language of doctors.” The book describes how we all form small groups, speak in argot’s and alleviate the stress of our jobs through humor and camaraderie.

The articles in this newsletter will focus on healthcare communications, specifically the study of humor — notably, a reminder of why the work of what we do is so important. In addition, why it continues to be very inspiring.

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